buying or borrowing books…
This weeks question is… Do you buy or borrow a book if it just look pretty on the outside? or do you go for books that are interesting via the blurb/synopsis.
Up until now, I have always picked up books that sound interesting or have rave reviews. But I have been looking at #bookstagram and seen how gorgeous bookshelves look in photos. I have to acknowledge that i have BOOK-ENVY at how mundane my shelves look compared to theirs.
Is it morally acceptable to buy a ton of books just so they’ll make my shelf look pretty? I mean of course I could but does that make me a bad person? Especially now I’m a book reviewer I need to read interesting books, not like i can review a book and go “Oh, by the way guys – I bought this book because it’s got a cute cover”.

Cassandra Allegra
Before I started making my own income, the library was a godsend. Now that I can afford to buy them, I try to buy ones I know I’ll love, ahaha. Lately, I’ve been collecting different editions of my favorite books too. But at the end of the day, it’s *your* collection. There’s nothing bad about it if it makes you happy 🙂
Jordan @ The Heart of a Book Blogger
I won’t buy a book solely on it’s cover alone—the synopsis/author/plot needs to interest me or I’ll never read it. However, unless it’s an author I LOVE I won’t buy a book’s cover that I don’t like. I’ll either buy an ebook of it or rent it from my library.
I do a bit of both buying and borrowing! I’m a sucker for a lovely eye catching front cover, how ever it’s only part of why I pick a book; it inevitably the blurb that wins me over in the end! Happy new year my lovely! Xx