Blogger Recognition Award
Rachel, a new blogger, tagged me for this award, so thank you! You can find her blog on this link – HERE and her twitter is @Rachels_Reads.
Anyway, here are the rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created.
“I know the feeling when you can’t get into a book and sometimes you have to ask yourself ‘is this book worth reading anymore?’ and ‘can I really read another 200+ pages of this book I hate?’. The answer is up to you. I’ve found out the hard way that you have the choice every time you pick up a book, to put it back down – You should have that right to say ‘enough is enough’, I don’t want to go on reading this anymore.”
Give a brief story of how your blog started:
My blog started because after I decided to join my local library and volunteer there this year. Because of my decision, I started reading again after a 10-year break from books. My blog is dedicated purely to bookish things, & now finally I love to read again.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers:
- MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE YOUR BLOG SITE WELL – I’ve blogged before and gave up because I was on the wrong site. This site (#Tumblr) works well for some but not for me, I ended up writing rubbish posts on there. I use now use #WordPress since making this blog, not only is it easier, it just works the way I like it.
- GET ON SOCIAL MEDIA EARLY – There is no other way to get your blog known these days quicker or easier than social media. My personal favourite is #Twitter. It’s quick and easy to set up an account and your “tweets” get seen by millions.
- RimpyReads – (
- EmilyRMWilliams – (
- Creechhan – (
- thebookforums – (
- phanniebookworm – (
- EggReader17 – (
- _Lmgrr – (
- Evelinasbooks – (
- cescalizzie – (
- MinimacReviews – (
- wanderlustread – (
- Bookskayy – (
- Lindahill50hill – (
- jenabrownwrites – (
- icthus_book – (

Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks
Thanks for nominating me! Sorry I’m only visiting now 🙂 was so busy!
I’ve also been away from books for like a decade – that was back in school. I somehow stopped reading after like 5th grade, and only returned to books when I was maybe in the middle of university. I’m so glad I did though 🙂
And you’re definitely right about Twitter! Lol, it’s so much fun 🙂
Elise @ Roaming Reader
Thanks for the nomination! Twitter is SO great to get to know people in the community!
So pleased blogging has got your love of reading back x