Why I cancelled my readathon last year // Why it’s back!
As you might have noticed by my pinned current tweet on my Twitter, I have advertised my month-long readathon, that I created September last year. I came up with the idea while trying to think of a book series I would like to read, along side a children’s series. “The Chronicles of Narnia” does both. I decided that over the space of a month it is plenty of time to read the short 7 book series and it will get people reading again as it is a simple level to start back up reading. Sadly no one was able to join in or promote my readathon, so I shelved it…
Goodreads 2018 + fave book
Hello all, As you may have noticed I done the Goodreads Challenge this year and set the bar low. This was because I was restarting reading a lot again after about 10 years away from books. I plan to do 2018’s challenge and up the book count and higher my reading limit. I am hoping to read 50 books next year max but if I get through 25 I’d be happy enough! Also, I want to read this list in 2018.. Old Classics Game of Thrones Series Italy-based novels Non-fiction -Romans Contemporary classics My A Level set list ARCs and Review Copies As it’s coming up to the end of…
Making lists & buying books..
To Read or Not To Read; That is the question! Okay, so I started out this year with an aim of getting out more; meeting friends, etc. It’s now half way through the year and I want to spend more time alone. Sound crazy? Hear me out! I have finally compiled a reading list & it just keeps getting longer! It’s now nearly 300 books long. I started out as “I’ll add just one or two so I know what to read next”, Before I knew it, there were too many books on the list. To add to this I have accepted the “GoodReads 2017 Challenge” of reading 12 books in 2017.…
GoodReads Reading Challenge 2017.
I am finally coming up to the end of my GoodReads Challenge in 2017. As you might have noticed I upped my amount of books to 15 as I went over 12 earlier in the year. This may seem quite small but it is because I am going from; A person who would not touch a book, in months, to; A girl who is now reading pretty much all my free time (when not sleeping, volunteering at a library – with free access to more books, learning a language or studying at home.) The reason I choose the GoodReads Challenge was that I needed the motivation to read again. I…