
  • writing

    Writing Wednesdays #1

    As I write this blog post, I am aware of how hard writing fiction is. I started my first venture into writing when I was in my early teens, creating poetry from real life experiences. Never did I show anyone what was on the 20+ pages of a4. This project however is different. I am aiming to write between 1 and 20 books: these include 2 adult novels, 1 young adult/teen book, and lastly a children’s book series of 5+ (150 pages each) books. It is a big commitment for me & hard work! For now, I will refer to the page already up on my blog (Previous work etc).…

  • Books,  Favourites

    Why I cancelled my readathon last year // Why it’s back!

    As you might have noticed by my pinned current tweet on my Twitter, I have advertised my month-long readathon, that I created September last year. I came up with the idea while trying to think of a book series I would like to read, along side a children’s series. “The Chronicles of Narnia” does both. I decided that over the space of a month it is plenty of time to read the short 7 book series and it will get people reading again as it is a simple level to start back up reading. Sadly no one was able to join in or promote my readathon, so I shelved it…

  • writing

    Beginning of “Prologue” (WIP #2)

    PRESENT DAY (December. 1999) It was another bitterly cold, December afternoon in late 1999. There was a lean,, dirty-looking, belligerent, male. He had an unfriendly face and looked no younger than 63. He wore an old, faded greyed black, double breasted suit with a classic worn-in, English man‘s black, top hat. To any young person passing, he would have looked like he was in some form of fancy dress. He walked with a heavy weight emphasised on his right leg. Not many people knew that his limp had been caused many years ago, when there was nothing that could have been done, to correct the problem. He always refused to…

  • writing

    Beginning of Chapter 1 (WIP #1)

    There stood a shadow six foot six, dressed in dark clothes and soaking wet. The rain was rushing down heavy and cold. The man was hiding in the shadows aware of each person passing. No one would look in his direction in fear of what was there.   There was a mother with her two little children on her way back from the supermarket and a teenager on his way home from a friend’s house unaware of what was near. They would go on to recount how they scurried past and did not look him in the eye. This image struck fear into the street that night. Something as glinting…

  • Blogging,  REVIEWS

    Adding film and TV reviews, in 2020

    Many of you may be wondering what this is about? I have been in blogging community for nearly four years now and enjoy every minute of it! I have also thought about expanding into the Film & TV via reviewing some content, both old and new. I love the Entertainment industry and would love to voice my opinions on what I’m watching. NETFLIX As this is no surprise I am one of the millions of on/off Netflix subscribers, which is a paid for subscription-based service online that you can access on smart boxes, TVs & portable devices. It shows both old and new content such tv & films with a…