[REVIEW] Harry Potter 1 (atPS) – J.K. Rowling
A boy a cupboard …who becomes a wizard.
Harry Potter is a book close to my heart. I remember reading this book while still in Primary school for the reading hour. It is still as exciting as it was all those years ago.
We start at the beginning with a young boy being ignored and basically feeling unwanted by his adopted parents after his real ones perish.
we are given a brief idea about how important this boy is to the world he was not able to be brought up in.
It follows average peoples lives via his aunt and uncle with their son Dudley. The drama doesn’t really pick up until we get t the part where a parcel is delivered to Harry (Potter) and his aunt and uncle will not allow him to read it. This uncle and Aunt decide to run away from their house to a remote area and hide from these parcels.
Hagrid turns up and he is a welcome surprise that makes everyone feel much better and happier. This is because he has rescued Harry Potter from the wretched family who didn’t really want him or care about him.
The action picks after Harry was introduced to the wizarding world. As this is a re-read for me and since watching the film I had a good idea what was going to happen throughout the book. I would say to all new readers to this book to stick by the mundane storyline until you get to Hogwarts (the magical school) and enjoy it.
As many people before have said before I think that Peeves really should have been added to the film adaption. For all that don’t know he is a cheeky ghost that haunt Hogwarts castle.
Towards the end, it becomes apparent that Harry and his house/class mates who he has befriended are intent on a journey and solving the mystery of what is on the third floor of Hogwarts that came from Gringotts – the wizarding bank.
Personally, it was very interesting plot over all and I would say read this book – if not the whole series. I would recommend not watching the films before reading as it does ruin the story. Although the films miss a lot, they have enough in for you to know what’s going on and you don’t want to know the storyline before reading the book.
Harry Potter is a book for kids that adults can read and should. Enjoy!

One Comment
Lara (@WordsWithLara)
I have so much love for the Harry Potter series! I have gone back and reread the series so many times, but the first one will always have a special place in my heart because it’s the book that started such an amazing series.
Lara (http://wordswithlara.blogspot.com)