Library Volunteering: 1 YEAR ON.
As you might be able to tell from the title I have now been a library volunteer locally for over a year and what a year its been. I have had my ups and downs but overall helping out has been a good experience & I aim to carry on for another year…
Meeting new people
In a library, it is impossible to go a shift without seeing and greeting new people. They are either regular members of the library or new-comers. Sometimes you bump into people you know outside the library and start a conversation and get distracted. I love chatting to members about books and how their life is going.
Reading new authors:
Being in a library you see lots of books being checked in and out, you start out a conversation with the member; get to asking “whats your favourite author or series?” and create a list of of new books or old favourites, then you go and read the synopsis and see if its something you would like to read yourself. I have found lots of new book series and authors this way.
Getting involved in the Book Community & creating this Blog:
Because of my volunteering, I got the confidence to create this blog and run it 100% myself, with technical help from my good friend Matthew. This blog has become an outlet for all my library wonderings and get the word out about libraries closing. The library also inspired me as a blogger as I write reviews for books I read and I also now get requests from publishers and authors who would like honest reviews online which makes me feel proud.
Do you use your local library? Has your library closed down?
Do you prefer to own books rather than borrow?
Tell me WHY in the comments below.

Have always thought of doing this myself actually. Sounds so interesting and love the fact you get to read all those books too!
Do it! Volunteering has brought me out of my shell & more outgoing! pS – the books help ????
Satou Johns
I have thought about doing this! I wanted to volunteer at the library in my province… I think there is only one haha but I am still giving it some thoughts! I am sure it is an amazing experience!
Go for it! Volunteering is an amazing experience and it helps the community too!
I am a holiday reader. Luckily I have plenty of holidays. I wish I could read more at home, but there’s always something else to do and of course the internet is a terrible distraction. I can easily average a book a day on a lazy holiday. My kindle is a total asset, as we usually travel light, so mostly I buy ebooks rather than borrow. I do like library non fiction though and I ALWAYS check out the book swap, wherever we are staying on hols. Last hol the book swap looked great, until on closer scrutiny they al, turned out to be in German!
The library has always been one of my fabourite places to go. In fact – and I don’t condone this by the way – I used to bunk off school and go to the town library.
But I think its real value is as a source of knowledge and learning for those who might not have the resources or capital to learn any other way. For that reason alone, it’s absolutely precious.
Since volunteering I have realised how valuable the library is to all ages.
I don’t understand why the council do not get that libraries are good resources to the community. They keep trying to close them down