[REVIEW] #ad The Betrayed – Casey Kelleher
A modern tale of family & loyalty.
Part 1 – 1982
The first 100 pages are fast-paced drama which kicks you right in the teeth with impact. Jimmy in the first chapters is what I would describe as borderline inhuman and quite evil, toward his own father.
After the first two chapters, it settles down to a novel with romance for the first half of the book.
Edel is the cliche mother figure; loveable because she comes across as a real human rather than a character just added to the plot.
After Jimmy and Colleen meet, you see a different more likeable side to Jimmy. Although it comes across as overboard. The romance between them is quick paced and before you know it, it is cliche romance. Some people would call it “Insta-love” whatever that means?
The ending chapters drama were okay but nothing special or unique about it until the end of it – it hits you with a punch, especially after a few chapters of just mundane life.
Part 2 – 1985
The shift between mundane life and marriage themes are broken when dramatic impact as you see how completely different the characters are compared to the beginning. Personally? I did not like the change at all and wanted to put the book down without finishing. Anyway, I powered on through eventually. A word of warning, there is a lot of depressing scenes and TRIGGER suicide is mentioned throughout.
Part 3 – 2003
The way this book changes again for part 3 is quite strange in my opinion. It jumps to a completely different family and this generation that has little to do with the original characters that I had to endure. Personally, I did not care for a change in characters and thought it was an easy way out rather than finishing the main story. The only part which made sense was when Jimmy and Colleen’s family were mentioned.
Would I recommend this book? Honestly… although I didn’t enjoy it, I think others might. Why not borrow it from the library and if you do enjoy it – buy! I wouldn’t have chosen to read it if I had known more about it, but I do like most crime genres and was intrigued.
DISCLAIMER: I got this ebook from the author and publisher for an honest review.

One Comment
Holly B / Dressedtoread
I’ve been hearing a lot about this book, but it didn’t interest me enough to request it. I think I’ll pass on this one. Great review! I think it is great that you work at the library!