Monthly Wrap up – January 2021
This month has been a pretty interesting one.
I have had two ZOOMs with my best friends and a birthday in the family. Also I binged the entire boxset of SKINS (E4/UK series) & organized my diary into 4 categories using coloured highlighters.
Watching TV series (SKINS):
I forgot how much I loved watching that series when it came out on E4 (UK Channel). I don’t want to write too much about this topic as I am going to write a blog post dedicated to SKINS later in the year.
As many regulars of this blog will tell you, I am terrible with the organization. I decided this year will be the year I finally up my game and organize my life properly. I found a pack of 4 highlighters that I used to divide my diary monthly spreads into 4 topics (FAMILY, PERSONAL, FRIENDS, and BLOG/WORK). I will in the future show you my monthly spread, starting next month. This worked out well for me because I could see at a glance what I was looking at and what topic I was. I will be continuing this method for the next few months to check it works well.
ZOOM/Keeping in Touch:
Many people are now aware of ZOOM, but have you tried FACEBOOK Rooms? It is basically the same thing but using Facebook instead of the application ZOOM. This month I and friends have used this App twice to have a casual quiz amongst ourselves which went well & to celebrate the New Year together from 10:30 till gone Midnight on January 31st 2020, which was the best New Year’s celebration I had done in years. I was so glad to spend it with my best friends because we couldn’t in person.
So this wraps up the first month of 2021. It’s been an interesting but still quiet month for me and I hope the next few months, things will pick up & lockdown will finally end so I can visit places with friends again, and add more new content, maybe even partnerships with companies on this blog.