The Library

September = School, right?

So it’s September already. Well, technically it’s mid-September 2018. As far as I can remember September always reminded me of school. Even now it still does. September in my head always reminds me of that “back to school” vibe that everyone in the blogging community uses year after year, well here’s my version…

As a library volunteer with a library next to a school that often uses our services, it dawns on me when school is open & closed. We very often see the classes from the school come into the library to collect their books for the term, normally there is a theme such as animals or trains that the classes have chosen for the year.

I see a lot of children pass through the library with parents also & we tend to have a reading challenge in the summer so that children don’t stop reading or struggle when going back to school in the autumn.

I am a great believer in learning but struggle myself. I haven’t got a learning difficulty but I find it very hard to study for more than a few months at a time & keep concentration. In the past, I have quit 2 courses & failed one before. How I manage to continue blogging over a year later, is a miracle but this blog is my favourite past-time.

Anyway back to school (haha, see what I did there? No? Never mind!). I believe that September is a month of change; the new school year (which makes me think I can start afresh). Also, it’s the time when the season is changing soon, with the cooler weather – I’m all for it, after this ridiculous 2018 UK Summer heatwave.

How do you feel about the month of September? Do you get that back to school vibe even if you have no children (maybe they are a part of your job?) Also are you looking forward to the Autumn & the weather it brings?
Write in the comments below.


  • ERK

    I am definitely looking forward to autumn ????
    We go back to school in August. So, Septmber is the time when we had our half yearly exams. But, seeing all these back to school posts really gives me the vibes and I really wanna go back to school ????

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