• Favourites,  Lifestyle

    Having a blog break/Started a Substack

    Hello. It’s been a long time since I wrote a post on here and felt I owed you an update since 2021/22. I now no long work in my local library and looking actively for another volunteer position local. I have decided this will sadly be my last post on this blog for a while, however you will be able to keep reading my content already posted and archives. Also just incase you want to keep in touch via reading my work online, I have created recently an educational and writing based account. I didn’t come to this conclusion lightly but I decided a Stubstack account is capable, in the…

  • Blogging,  Favourites


    Well that second year came round quickly didn’t it. When I first signed up to WordPress two years ago, I thought this blog would just be a part time thing that I created for fun and to join in the conversation about books. One year on, I became self hosted (dot.com) thanks to my fabulous friend in IT. I started to take this blog very seriously. Towards the end of the half of the 1st year I was scheduling posts, months in advance. It went well & lots of people engaged with posts. Over the beginning over the beginning of this year I took a step back due to other…

  • The Library

    September = School, right?

    So it’s September already. Well, technically it’s mid-September 2018. As far as I can remember September always reminded me of school. Even now it still does. September in my head always reminds me of that “back to school” vibe that everyone in the blogging community uses year after year, well here’s my version… As a library volunteer with a library next to a school that often uses our services, it dawns on me when school is open & closed. We very often see the classes from the school come into the library to collect their books for the term, normally there is a theme such as animals or trains that the…

  • The Library

    …borrowing library books?

    Borrowing books from the library is a relatively new concept to me. I have always been someone who has always bought books either from charities or bookstores. I also like ordering books online and receiving them, however that way you can’t judge size or whether you will enjoy it. In a library and book shopping in stores you can scan through a book judge it’s length and decide whether you like it unlike online when you need to guess unless you have already seen it somewhere. The library is handy if you are a speed reader and go through books quickly as you only borrow a book for 3 weeks…

  • Favourites,  The Library

    Library Volunteering: 1 YEAR ON.

    As you might be able to tell from the title I have now been a library volunteer locally for over a year and what a year its been. I have had my ups and downs but overall helping out has been a good experience & I aim to carry on for another year… Meeting new people In a library, it is impossible to go a shift without seeing and greeting new people. They are either regular members of the library or new-comers. Sometimes you bump into people you know outside the library and start a conversation and get distracted. I love chatting to members about books and how their life is…