Top 5 things to buy for Halloween
This is a post with my top 5 things to buy for Halloween. This is a yearly event on the 31st of October which celebrates all things spooky. I reckon with these 5 items you can’t go wrong. I have included options for people with and without children (example. +18s only events).
Pumpkin & spooky food
A Punkin and other spooky items such as apples are important things to buy over the Halloween period. It gets you in the right mood and atmosphere. All ages can enjoy bobbing for apples as a game or carving pumpkins with the kids. Don’t forget the Brain (fruit) Jelly and other things that are in shops specifically for scaring friends & family.
Spooky Outfit
Without an outfit on Halloween, you are ruining the mood of the evening. Even if you are not trick or treating it is an essential idea to dress up as when the children come knocking your door they will have a surprise and gives them more to enjoy when you are in character. You have so many outfits from the tradition witches (for females) and many other choices from films like Ghostbusters & Beetlejuice.
Horror movies or Netflix films
If you are planning on staying in over Halloween, I would recommend you buy, rent a few horror movies or go on your TV planner and see what films are on to watch. This gives the Halloween vibes whilst staying at home. You can enjoy this with friends or a young family.
Spooky Alcohol (Adults only)
I think as adults we have all heard of alcoholic jelly. This would be perfect for an 18s+ party. it is still in the spirit of Halloween with spooky music & spooky shots of brains & blood. It brings the holiday spirit to those who as adults may not have had before or because they might not have kids. if you don’t have children, even if you do a party on the weekend with friends would be an awesome way to enjoy the holidays. Don’t get too drunk by having too many bloody marys or spooky shots though!
Lots & Lots of Sweets (for kids!)
What would Halloween be without SWEETS? This is essential as the whole idea of Halloween is to impress the children with outfits and going trick-or-treating for an hour. If children turn up at your door you want to be armed with lots of sweets for them to grab (politely) as they will most likely be expecting them when you answer.
What are your top things for Halloween? Are you expecting to be at an over 18s event or will you be with the kids hustling early at night for candy? Do you have anything I’ve missed in this list? Let me know in the comments

Resh Susan @ The Book Satchel
This is a sweet post. Did you have fun for Halloween? Spooky food for the win
Thank for the comment. I had a fun Halloween at home watching movies (the one thing not on this post!)
Life in the Happy
Such a cute post! Loved reading it – especially since it’s Halloween 🙂