Libraries in 2018 (part 1)
A library is an old idea which has been around for centuries. It hold books and recently since the 21st century DVDs and Audio books (tapes & CDs). It is a place where both young or old gather for their love of books & reading. It is a place anyone can go & not be judged. – (tweet this quote)
In a library there is the Non-Fiction which house books on subjects from DIY to Cooking to Mental Health guides and everything in-between. It is the section for those of us who want to gather new knowledge.
In the library there is the Fiction section. This is where the magic happens. You get transported into alternate realities, face dragons and queens, sometimes you even help solve crimes.
The other side of the building is for children This is split into fiction & non-fiction.
Children’s non-fiction includes topics such as history and how animals are born and live. It is a wonderful place where children’s brains are constantly engaged and active.
The children fiction is a place for fantasies and fun. It is where after a hard day in school they can switch off and read a classic Jacqueline Wilson book or the newest David Walliams book. There are so many books to choose from that it is nearly impossible for a them to decide.
Picture Books
There are also books for the youngest library members, the toddlers. There are over 100 books to choose from to keep their minds active. These are the picture books and short and full of pretty designs that engage with the child and the parents who read to them.
My experience
As I grew up I loved reading but after I hit high school I decided that reading books wasn’t cool enough and reading was for old people and children. I would read occasionally when no-one was around and when I went home but reading in my teens lost it’s mojo.
Fast forward 15 years and I joined the local library in 2017. I am still amazed by how many people go there from all ages. I decided after careful consideration that I should start reading again. I forgot how much I loved choosing a book, how I felt after I finished and how enjoyable reading is.
My recommendation
I am now unofficially an advocate for reading and for libraries. Everywhere I go and whenever I meet up with friends I like to discuss my latest book I’m reading or which place is the best to get a cheap book if the library doesn’t have the book.
I love going shopping sometimes as I get to check the book section. The best sellers at half price or the new releases to see if my favourite authors got a new book out.
I can’t stress enough how important reading is to all ages. It’s not only a hobby it keeps your mind active and some people use reading as a stress reliever after a hard day or week in work.
Go to your local library and please support them!
Not many people are aware of this but government cuts have left many libraries struggling to keep open. Just one more person (that’s you!) could be the difference between a library shutting its doors for the last time or staying open for the public for another year.

Good comment about the need to support our libraries otherwise they will be taken away from us even more.
I just saw we are connected on Goodreads. Delighted to meet a fellow blogger from Wales
Thank you. I have been volunteering at a local community library in VOG and know how hard it is fundraising to keep the library open, even with us not being paid.
On another note. Wales bloggers should all meet up & discuss blogging if there is a group that can do that?