
  • Favourites,  Languages,  Lifestyle

    My Journey with Languages, in 2019

    This post was written before: published & then deleted… Let’s try again! I started learning languages while I was in an English-speaking Welsh secondary school (USA: high school). There are two types of schools in Wales, one that teaches in Welsh, or in English. They are both very well established but it depends on the student & parent whether they want their child to speak Welsh well/fluently at home. My mother decided to choose an English speaking school as neither I nor my family can speak any Welsh. This worked out well for me, as I never liked the language anyway. FRENCH: My real journey with languages started when we…

  • Favourites,  Lifestyle

    COVID-19 and ME (in the UK, 2020)

    A blog post about the hell of the last year (2020) The last year has been hell for everyone.because of COVID-19. The blight of the whole world. “The modern plague”, “the death flu”, etc.. For those who are unaware of COVID-19 – it is a virus/infection that is airborne and can be transmitted by human to human connection in close contact. It started in China and 100s of thousands of people have got it, and over 50,000 have died from it. Many more have infected people with it. The official stats are still going up and it has spread worldwide. It is a deadly virus COVID-19 spread around the world…

  • Favourites,  REVIEWS

    [REVIEW] “His Dark Materials” – My Favourite show of 2019.

    As you can imagine by the title this is going to be a review of my favourite TV series this year. I can’t describe how good this show is from the scenery, the actors, and the script. It was perfect. BBC TV show details: view here. The actors were perfect in their roles, Not only did we see lyra’s spirit and determination shine through with the young actress playing her. Her speech sounded exactly as how I read it all those years ago when it was first released in paperback. Mrs Coulter’s actress showed her hardness being crushed, her under-lying meanness and how vulnerable she was underneath her hard exterior.…

  • Books,  Favourites

    Why I cancelled my readathon last year // Why it’s back!

    As you might have noticed by my pinned current tweet on my Twitter, I have advertised my month-long readathon, that I created September last year. I came up with the idea while trying to think of a book series I would like to read, along side a children’s series. “The Chronicles of Narnia” does both. I decided that over the space of a month it is plenty of time to read the short 7 book series and it will get people reading again as it is a simple level to start back up reading. Sadly no one was able to join in or promote my readathon, so I shelved it…

  • Blogging,  Favourites


    Well that second year came round quickly didn’t it. When I first signed up to WordPress two years ago, I thought this blog would just be a part time thing that I created for fun and to join in the conversation about books. One year on, I became self hosted (dot.com) thanks to my fabulous friend in IT. I started to take this blog very seriously. Towards the end of the half of the 1st year I was scheduling posts, months in advance. It went well & lots of people engaged with posts. Over the beginning over the beginning of this year I took a step back due to other…