
  • Books,  REVIEWS

    [REVIEW] #ad Cold Feet: The Lost Years – Carmel Harrington

    GIFTED* A trip down memory lane with the original cast! This book arrived nice & early with a press release explaining the publishing date, plus quite a bit of information on both the book and author. I then picked it up to read and here is my review… This book is centred around the lives of the original cast of Cold Feet. It is an easy read and is based on the time between the old first series 1-5 in the 90/00s and the beginning of series 6. The current series airing in 2017 on ITV (UK) is series 7. After reading a few paragraphs it is easy to slip back…

  • Books,  REVIEWS

    [REVIEW] Girl, Interrupted – Susanna Kaysen

    One woman’s journey through Mental Health. Once I received this book I set about reading it. It only took me 2-3 days to finish this book because not only is it a short book but interesting. It is an autobiography; about the author, Susanna Kaysen’s few years spent within a mental institution (famous for housing Sylvia Plath) on a teenage girls wing. The reason I picked this book up was that I had already watched the film (with Angelina Jolie, Brit Murphy & Winona Ryder) which made me fascinated about how close to the book the film was. The film was brilliant, I wondered if the book was too? Yes,…

  • Books

    [book tag] HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Q&A

    I felt like giving you another blog post because it’s Halloween and I’m not going out celebrating. I found this book tag from Google searching “Halloween Book Tag” and it came up with readinginthewings‘ blog, so feel free to have a look. 1. Carving pumpkins- What book would you want to carve up and light on fire? I don’t think I would be able to set any book on fire no matter how bad it was. I’d just donate it to charity or similar. 2. Trick or Treat- What character is a trick, what character is a treat? I would say my favourite character, a treat would include Spike from Buffy…

  • Books

    Annotating Books…

    Annotating books? Have you ever tried it? Give it a go! Annotating to me is when you get a highlighter in a fancy colour and is used to capture the attention of the book reader. Other ways of annotating books include; dog-earing, tabbing (small sticky notes), writing in the margins & underlining key words or phrases. It is a very common practice used by students to aid with revision but also it is also used by people who like to have notes on books such as book bloggers and reviewers. As you all know I am currently taking an A Level (in English Literature) and have recently discovered the joys of annotating books. Many people on blogs and…

  • Books,  REVIEWS

    [REVIEW] #ad Murder in Little Shendon – A.H. Richardson

    A quick murder mystery that keeps you engaged This story starts with a murder of a village person, who is well known but not liked, set not long after WW2. The story progresses well and it is a cosy mystery which is easy to read. A. H Richardson is a good author who creates suspense well and some soft humour added to the story too. At under 300 pages, this book is nice and small and should be quick to read. Mr Hazlitt and Mr Brandon fill the storyline well by being amateur detectives. It is fun and light-hearted, plus their investigations into various character throughout the story are easy…