
  • Books,  Uncategorized

    NarnAThon #Readathon

    Here are the details about NARNATHON. I am inviting you all, bloggers and vloggers to join me in reading the complete 7 book series “Chronicles of Narnia” over the complete month of September. This is a readathon designed to get people reading more & reading children’s classics There will be no prizes – everyone who finishes is a winner. I will be doing twitter sprints over the month of September. Aim to read up to 3 books a week, to complete the challenge. when mentioning this challenge on social media use “NarnAThon” PLEASE NOTE: If you want to take part, please leave a link below in the comments to your blog (WordPress/Blogspot etc)…

  • Books,  REVIEWS

    [REVIEW] Harry Potter 2 (&tCoS)

    Nearly everyone is aware of Harry Potter. This week marks the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter & Chamber of Secrets being published. This is my review on the second book in the Harry Potter series and hopefully will not encounter too many spoilers. It is a solid sequel to book number one and is a reread for me, over 10 years later. This book takes off from the first in the series as we follow Harry through his summer holidays and 2nd year at Hogwarts. It has quite a few familiar faces and a few new ones. This book is a children’s classic that is well-known throughout Europe, UK &…

  • The Library

    …borrowing library books?

    Borrowing books from the library is a relatively new concept to me. I have always been someone who has always bought books either from charities or bookstores. I also like ordering books online and receiving them, however that way you can’t judge size or whether you will enjoy it. In a library and book shopping in stores you can scan through a book judge it’s length and decide whether you like it unlike online when you need to guess unless you have already seen it somewhere. The library is handy if you are a speed reader and go through books quickly as you only borrow a book for 3 weeks…

  • Favourites,  The Library

    Library Volunteering: 1 YEAR ON.

    As you might be able to tell from the title I have now been a library volunteer locally for over a year and what a year its been. I have had my ups and downs but overall helping out has been a good experience & I aim to carry on for another year… Meeting new people In a library, it is impossible to go a shift without seeing and greeting new people. They are either regular members of the library or new-comers. Sometimes you bump into people you know outside the library and start a conversation and get distracted. I love chatting to members about books and how their life is…

  • Books,  REVIEWS

    [REVIEW] #ad Pigeon Blood-Red – Ed Duncan

    GIFTED* This book attracted me to the synopsis. I like most crime books and haven’t read one in a while. As a short book of only 201 pages, I thought it would be quite quick to read, which it was. DISCLAIMER: This book was sent to me via the publisher and author. This doesn’t affect my full review below. This book focuses on criminals and the people around them, both good and bad. As I was reading this I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is an interesting book which is a fast-paced and good character and plot-lines. The characters, although not relatable due to being criminals, are interesting and make you…