[REVIEW] Animal Farm – George Orwell
“ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.” – George Orwell As I finish this book I am reminded why I wanted to read it. Not only is it a good commentary on modern sociology but a great book to read. This book follows the liberation & revolution of a farm in England that drives out all humans and establishes a hierarchy of animals in control of themselves. It is a quick read and rather interesting. This is a tale that shows the darker side of human nature through the eyes of animals copying them. This book is one of my favourite books of 2018. I…
Libraries in 2018 (part 2)
I think this is an interesting topic. Do you use your library? As you might know, if you have been following my blog I volunteer at my local library. Some days I can’t wait to get home and other days I enjoy my time there. This is part 2 of my “series” talking about Libraries. Part 1 is here! In the library, there are many things to do and it keeps you busy. There is looking for books and giving our books out to lend and keeping our costumers happy. The library is so useful for people with a low income as they can borrow books for 3 weeks at…
Libraries in 2018 (part 1)
A library is an old idea which has been around for centuries. It hold books and recently since the 21st century DVDs and Audio books (tapes & CDs). It is a place where both young or old gather for their love of books & reading. It is a place anyone can go & not be judged. – (tweet this quote) Adults In a library there is the Non-Fiction which house books on subjects from DIY to Cooking to Mental Health guides and everything in-between. It is the section for those of us who want to gather new knowledge. In the library there is the Fiction section. This is where the…
[FILM REVIEW] The Mummy Returns (2001)
This is my review about the film The Mummy Returns – a sequel to The Mummy (1999). Although this film is not perfect, it is a good comedy which all the family will enjoy! Why not buy this film from Amazon Prime (UK) (Disclaimer: this is an affliate link). So what happens in the first 10 minutes? This film starts out as a battle between Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)’s character who is known at the Scorpion King. It shows his long walk through the desert and his semi-psychosis while his army tries to take over an Egyptian settlement. Flash forward to “modern” Egypt & hello Brendon Fraser! We know we are…
#Ad Q&A • C.v.Wyk – Blood & Sand (book)
Hi All, Today is going to be a little different as I’m hosting a Q&A with debut author C.V. Wyk. Her first novel Blood and Sand comes out January 2018 (& February 1st in the UK). I wanted to give you an idea of who she is… Your name, location, book/series C. V. Wyk Washington, D.C. Blood and Sand (book 1) What’s your all time fave book? Son of the Shadows by Juliet Marillier Tell a random personal true story. I once met the original Red Power Ranger at an El Pollo Loco. It was glorious. (I was 7.) What inspired your first book? Ahh!! Where to start? There have…