[REVIEW] Wicked – Gregory Maguire
All about Politics, Witches and Wizards. I want to say I am reviewing this book after not reading in ages! Now that I think of it, I really should do a re-read at the end of the year when I get some time out of my busy reading schedule. This book is my all-time favourite book and it’s pretty good if I may say so myself. On my first read, I dived right into and it took me about 3 days to finish it. I really loved it. It is basically the backstory of who the “Wicked Witch of the West” in “The Wizard of Oz” is; where she came from,…
Christmas Reads? 2017
As you are probably already aware, by the date this was posted, that Christmas isn’t far away. This is the closest I get to being festive online and I am getting excited to have lots of fun with family and friends! I am doing my top 3 reads that I think you could read this Christmas (2017). As always it is your choice on what you read but I think these are some brilliant suggestions to get you in the Christmas mood… Harry Potter – JK Rowling – Yes, there are scenes where the characters are around at Christmas but it is not a festive book as such but when…
GoodReads Reading Challenge 2017.
I am finally coming up to the end of my GoodReads Challenge in 2017. As you might have noticed I upped my amount of books to 15 as I went over 12 earlier in the year. This may seem quite small but it is because I am going from; A person who would not touch a book, in months, to; A girl who is now reading pretty much all my free time (when not sleeping, volunteering at a library – with free access to more books, learning a language or studying at home.) The reason I choose the GoodReads Challenge was that I needed the motivation to read again. I…
[REVIEW] #ad Cold Feet: The Lost Years – Carmel Harrington
GIFTED* A trip down memory lane with the original cast! This book arrived nice & early with a press release explaining the publishing date, plus quite a bit of information on both the book and author. I then picked it up to read and here is my review… This book is centred around the lives of the original cast of Cold Feet. It is an easy read and is based on the time between the old first series 1-5 in the 90/00s and the beginning of series 6. The current series airing in 2017 on ITV (UK) is series 7. After reading a few paragraphs it is easy to slip back…
[REVIEW] Girl, Interrupted – Susanna Kaysen
One woman’s journey through Mental Health. Once I received this book I set about reading it. It only took me 2-3 days to finish this book because not only is it a short book but interesting. It is an autobiography; about the author, Susanna Kaysen’s few years spent within a mental institution (famous for housing Sylvia Plath) on a teenage girls wing. The reason I picked this book up was that I had already watched the film (with Angelina Jolie, Brit Murphy & Winona Ryder) which made me fascinated about how close to the book the film was. The film was brilliant, I wondered if the book was too? Yes,…