[REVIEW] #ad Pigeon Blood-Red – Ed Duncan
GIFTED* This book attracted me to the synopsis. I like most crime books and haven’t read one in a while. As a short book of only 201 pages, I thought it would be quite quick to read, which it was. DISCLAIMER: This book was sent to me via the publisher and author. This doesn’t affect my full review below. This book focuses on criminals and the people around them, both good and bad. As I was reading this I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is an interesting book which is a fast-paced and good character and plot-lines. The characters, although not relatable due to being criminals, are interesting and make you…
This post is a celebration of blogging for a whole year. Am I proud? Yes. Will I continue? Yes. Do I think I can improve? Definitely. Will you join me reading my blog? I hope so! As this year has flown by so quickly, I want to look back on what I’ve learned this year blogging. Then do a brief description of what My Blog was, is & My new goals. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: This year has been an eye-opening experience into the world of blogging. Although I have tried before in my teens it wasn’t until I fully dived into the community of books and blogs I didn’t have a…
[REVIEW] Animal Farm – George Orwell
“ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.” – George Orwell As I finish this book I am reminded why I wanted to read it. Not only is it a good commentary on modern sociology but a great book to read. This book follows the liberation & revolution of a farm in England that drives out all humans and establishes a hierarchy of animals in control of themselves. It is a quick read and rather interesting. This is a tale that shows the darker side of human nature through the eyes of animals copying them. This book is one of my favourite books of 2018. I…
Short post about Goodreads (2018)
This post is a short reply to Zoe Collins’ booktube video about Goodreads. I agree with Zoe’s comments about book bloggers and readers alike. This is especially true for people who don’t read as much as others, Goodreads can be demoralising to use. Goodreads is a site where you can record your reading throughout the year. It is a site which is good for when you want to remember what you have read, want to read and how much you have already read Also you can see your “friends” progress throughout the year. It is very competitive but in general, as an adult, I have chosen not to judge myself against others.…
Libraries in 2018 (part 1)
A library is an old idea which has been around for centuries. It hold books and recently since the 21st century DVDs and Audio books (tapes & CDs). It is a place where both young or old gather for their love of books & reading. It is a place anyone can go & not be judged. – (tweet this quote) Adults In a library there is the Non-Fiction which house books on subjects from DIY to Cooking to Mental Health guides and everything in-between. It is the section for those of us who want to gather new knowledge. In the library there is the Fiction section. This is where the…