Having a blog break/Started a Substack
Hello. It’s been a long time since I wrote a post on here and felt I owed you an update since 2021/22. I now no long work in my local library and looking actively for another volunteer position local. I have decided this will sadly be my last post on this blog for a while, however you will be able to keep reading my content already posted and archives. Also just incase you want to keep in touch via reading my work online, I have created recently an educational and writing based account. I didn’t come to this conclusion lightly but I decided a Stubstack account is capable, in the…
My favourite blogs 2017
This is a post dedicated to my favourite haunts on the internet that I view regularly. I will give you an idea of their content, where to find them and social media links. Some of these are quite new to the bookish community (like I am) but some have been around for years! So in no order (as they are all fab bloggers!) …here they are: Sarah in wonderland Name: Sarah Blog: www.sarahinwonderland.co.uk / www.fromsarahlex.co.uk Twitter: @Wonderlandblogs / @fromsarahlex Content: Disability, beauty, lifestyle. Note: She has since rebranded to “From Sarah Lex”. Writing wolves Name: Lucy-May Blog: www.writingwolves.wordpress.com Twitter: @Lmgrr Content: “Chronically ill & reading” No safer place Name: Zoe Collins Blog:…
Making lists & buying books..
To Read or Not To Read; That is the question! Okay, so I started out this year with an aim of getting out more; meeting friends, etc. It’s now half way through the year and I want to spend more time alone. Sound crazy? Hear me out! I have finally compiled a reading list & it just keeps getting longer! It’s now nearly 300 books long. I started out as “I’ll add just one or two so I know what to read next”, Before I knew it, there were too many books on the list. To add to this I have accepted the “GoodReads 2017 Challenge” of reading 12 books in 2017.…
[REVIEW] Wicked – Gregory Maguire
All about Politics, Witches and Wizards. I want to say I am reviewing this book after not reading in ages! Now that I think of it, I really should do a re-read at the end of the year when I get some time out of my busy reading schedule. This book is my all-time favourite book and it’s pretty good if I may say so myself. On my first read, I dived right into and it took me about 3 days to finish it. I really loved it. It is basically the backstory of who the “Wicked Witch of the West” in “The Wizard of Oz” is; where she came from,…
Christmas Reads? 2017
As you are probably already aware, by the date this was posted, that Christmas isn’t far away. This is the closest I get to being festive online and I am getting excited to have lots of fun with family and friends! I am doing my top 3 reads that I think you could read this Christmas (2017). As always it is your choice on what you read but I think these are some brilliant suggestions to get you in the Christmas mood… Harry Potter – JK Rowling – Yes, there are scenes where the characters are around at Christmas but it is not a festive book as such but when…