• Books,  writing

    Writing Wednesdays #2 // 2021 update

    I haven’t done an update post like this, in over a year. I decided in 2020 I would have a break from writing and put my novels on hiatus for a year, but now I have started to miss writing blog posts, as well missing writing my fiction work. I have got 4 potential novels that I am writing with very different themes from mental health fiction, to fiction crime. I am hoping to be under the young adult category and have published at least 1 novel, if not more, within 2 years. I don’t mind if I self-publish or traditional. In the world, 2020 has been a nightmare for…

  • Favourites,  writing

    Flash Fiction – “The Window”

    405 words. (trigger warning – mental health & incl. potential illness) By Danielle Mcdowall FEBRUARY: The night was dark, it was cold, and there was a fog outside. She sat calmly looking out the window again. It was the last night of the month and a man was walking down the road with a dog, a puppy perhaps, it was hard to tell from the distance that she was stood. LAST DECEMBER: It was 6 pm and dark. She looked once more and there was a figure on the floor, the person’s face wasn’t visible but whoever it was looked out of place. Who was it & why was he…

  • writing

    Writing Wednesdays #1

    As I write this blog post, I am aware of how hard writing fiction is. I started my first venture into writing when I was in my early teens, creating poetry from real life experiences. Never did I show anyone what was on the 20+ pages of a4. This project however is different. I am aiming to write between 1 and 20 books: these include 2 adult novels, 1 young adult/teen book, and lastly a children’s book series of 5+ (150 pages each) books. It is a big commitment for me & hard work! For now, I will refer to the page already up on my blog (Previous work etc).…

  • Books,  Favourites

    Why I cancelled my readathon last year // Why it’s back!

    As you might have noticed by my pinned current tweet on my Twitter, I have advertised my month-long readathon, that I created September last year. I came up with the idea while trying to think of a book series I would like to read, along side a children’s series. “The Chronicles of Narnia” does both. I decided that over the space of a month it is plenty of time to read the short 7 book series and it will get people reading again as it is a simple level to start back up reading. Sadly no one was able to join in or promote my readathon, so I shelved it…

  • Books,  REVIEWS

    [REVIEW] #ad Pigeon Blood-Red – Ed Duncan

    GIFTED* This book attracted me to the synopsis. I like most crime books and haven’t read one in a while. As a short book of only 201 pages, I thought it would be quite quick to read, which it was. DISCLAIMER: This book was sent to me via the publisher and author. This doesn’t affect my full review below. This book focuses on criminals and the people around them, both good and bad. As I was reading this I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is an interesting book which is a fast-paced and good character and plot-lines. The characters, although not relatable due to being criminals, are interesting and make you…